Dress Code

Dress Code

Every student should wear the prescribed dress in the institute premises which is as follows –


Boys Light Gray Pant, White Shirt

Girls Light gray Salwar and Kurta with white Dupatta/ Light Gray Pant with white top.


Boys Light flannel Pant, white shirt and Blue Blazer with Institute monogram.
Girls Light gray Salwar and Kurta with white Dupatta/ Light Gray Pant with white top, Blue lazer with Institute monogram.

White apron will be worn throughout the academic session by all students.

Rules Regarding Uniform-

  • The student must get their uniform prepared at their own cost.
  • Student must attend the classes wearing the prescribed uniform.
  • No student will be allowed to attend any class without proper uniform under any circumstances.
  • Student violating this rule will be marked absent for the day and will be fine Rs. 50/- for each such day.